Frequently Asked Questions
Search FAQ
- Log in to the portal
- Click on your name (top-right corner) in the customer portal and then click on User Profile.
- Go to Payment Cards on the left side of the screen.
- Fill in details and Add a new card.
- Click on “ALLOW OTHER USER” to allow other Users of the Organization to use the CC.
- Click on “ALLOW OTHER USER” to allow other Users of the Organization to use the CC.
- Log in to the portal at
- Click on NEW ORDER.
- If any special-order code is given, paste it into the field and click on Update order code.
- Select the Base License for the order. Make sure it is under the correct model, i.e., RRT-200-LTE, RRT-300-LTE. Only one base license per order may be selected.
- Select the Addon Licenses for the order. Some addons may be automatically checked upon base license selection.
- Fill in the details of the customer where the site will be installed.
- This will determine some of the configuration on staging.
- The details may be copied down from previous customers or orders by picking from the My Customers or My Orders dropdown.
- Enter Custom Order Number if available and click on Next.
- Fill in the details for the delivery address.
- Clicking on Use customer detail will copy over the data from the previous page.
- Details may also be copied from previous orders by selecting from the My Orders dropdown.
- Select the Delivery mode.
- Ground and 2nd Day Air AM shipping are available in the portal.
- If 2nd Day Air AM is preferred, please send a support ticket for other delivery options.
- Confirm the Customer and Delivery Details then select the Payment Method if available.
- Once the Payment Method (card on file) is selected, click on the “Confirm the one-time payment” slide button and on CHECK OUT TO COMPLETE ORDER.
- Once the Payment Method (card on file) is selected, click on the “Confirm the one-time payment” slide button and on CHECK OUT TO COMPLETE ORDER.
- Confirm the Order and contact support if there are any issues.
- RabbitRun Support Team can be reach at the following channels to ask for assistance:
- Email:
- Phone Number: 1-727-390-3390
The RRT200-LTE device has Female SMA connectors:
- There are many options to choose from and we found and recommend this one.
- Note that any 4GLTE SMA antenna will work as long as it has frequency range of 600MHz – 2960MHz as 4GLTE bands work at these frequencies.
Portal Navigation
Ordering & Licenses
Device Navigation
Installation Setups
- Overlay Plus – This is a RabbitRun feature where the Overlay is set up to transmit duplicate packets providing a higher probability of packet survival when internet conditions are poor.
- Note: This license must be selected for all POTS Kit orders.
- Overlay (100GB and 500GB) – These addon licenses are ordered for sites that use huge Bandwidth on Link3 Overlay.
- Note: If not ordered, overage for Overlay usage is charged per Gigabyte.
- Cloud DMZ – Use this add-on license to assign a unique public IP address from a cloud-hosted VHUB to any VCE device, allowing access to a VCE device over the active link (either Link1 or Link2), even if the VCE is behind NAT.
- Cloud DMZ (4 Public IPs) – Additional Public IPs (For existing Firewall on LAN side of RabbitRun device)
- SINGLE LINK – This license is for sites that will only be using a single ISP Internet as main Link and NO backup Link.
- FAILSAFE LTE – This license is ordered for sites that require LTE Backup Link or sites that will only be using 4GLTE as main Link.
- This License can also be used for installations with [Link1 = ISP Internet – Link2 Backup = ISP Internet – LinkB1 2nd Backup = 4GLTE].
- Failsafe 2L – This license is ordered for sites that will ONLY use a secondary ISP Internet for backup Link.
- Send an Email to Support ( requesting to purchase a POTS Kit with the following details for shipping.
- Customer Details
- Customer Organization Name
- Complete Address
- Contact Number
- Shipping Details
- Contact Person
- Complete Shipping Address
- Contact Number
- Any special requests.
- Customer Details
- Support will process the POTS Kit License and an invoice will be sent to customer for the Kit.
- For Second ISP Internet Backup sites, the license to be ordered is FALSAFE + Overlay.
- Note: The license has a 10GB Overlay Bandwidth Monthly allowance included. Usage more than the allocation, an overage fee may apply.
- For LTE Backup sites, the license to be ordered is FALSAFE LTE + 1GB LTE DATA + Overlay. The 1GB Monthly data and Overlay Add-on are both automatically added to the order when selecting the base license.
Note: The license has a 1GB LTE Data and 10GB Overlay Bandwidth Monthly allowance included. Usage more than these allocations, an overage fee may apply.
Customer Portal
- Click on ORDERS > MY USERS
- Click on + ADD NEW USER
- Fill out the details Email, Full name. Click on the ORGANIZATION dropdown and select the Organization the user will be assigned to.
- Note. Leaving the PASSWORD field blank will send an email to the user’s email to set up a password.
- NO [ORDERS] TAB ACCESS button – turning this on will disable ORDERS tab for the user and will inhibit the user from making orders.
- NO [DEVICE] TAB ACCESS button – turning this on will disable the DEVICES tab and the user will not be able to access the Devices Portal.
- Click SUBMIT
- Click on ORDERS > MY USERS
Devices Portal
- Logged in to the Customer Portal, click on the DEVICES tab to access the Devices Portal.
- Logged in to the Customer Portal, click on the DEVICES tab to access the Devices Portal.
- Note: The user should be allowed access to the Devices Portal upon creation.
- Under DEVICES view, click on the PENCIL icon to edit device information.
- Device Section
- Under DEVICE, edit the Hostname, Location of the site, Organization the device will be assigned to and click on the ACTIVATE THIS DEVICE checkbox upon installation.
- Under DEVICE, edit the Hostname, Location of the site, Organization the device will be assigned to and click on the ACTIVATE THIS DEVICE checkbox upon installation.
- License Section
- Under LICENSE, check the CHECKBOX of the license and the addon the device was ordered for.
- Under LICENSE, check the CHECKBOX of the license and the addon the device was ordered for.
If the Partner/Customer wants to be sent Email Alerts 30 minutes and not immediately after a LINK or the DEVICE is DOWN, this can be done with the Escalation Alerts. Escalation Alerts can be setup for 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours.
- Setting up Escalation Alerts.
- Click on the Pencil Icon to edit the device information.
- Under the ALERTS tab, scroll down to ESCALATION ALERTS
- Select the TIME DURATION you want to be sent Email Alerts after the LINK or the DEVICE is DOWN (make sure that LINK STATUS or DEVICE STATUS is selected).
- Add the EMAIL ADDRESS you want the alerts to be sent to.
- Click on SAVE UPDATE.
- Logged into the Devices Portal, edit the DEVICE INFORMATION (Pencil Icon).
- Click on the Alerts Tab.
- Put a check on the Checkbox for the Alerts the user wants to receive notification from.
- Device Uptime – This alerts the user when the device goes offline.
- Team Status – This sends an email alert to the registered email when Link1, Link2 or Link3 goes down.
- Link1 Status – This sends an email alert to the registered email when Link1 goes down.
- Link2 Status – This sends an email alert to the registered email when Link2 goes down.
- Link3 Status – This sends an email alert to the registered email when Link3 goes down.
- At the very bottom, type in the email address the user wants to send the alerts to. Multiple emails are accepted provided that they are added individually.
- Organization – This section shows all MSP or Organizations within the MMSP / MSP.
- New Organizations can also be added by clicking the ADD button.
- New Organizations can also be added by clicking the ADD button.
- Users – This section shows all users within the MMSP/MSP.
- New Users can also be added by clicking the ADD button.
- New Users can also be added by clicking the ADD button.
- Devices – This section shows all the devices within the MMS/MSP.
- Report – This section shows the Overview Summary of the devices, Licenses, Devices online, etc.
Email Alerts
- Device Offline/Online email Alerts
- Link(#) down/restore email Alerts.
- Link(#) DOWN
- Link(#) UP
- Link(#) DOWN
- Under the Devices Tab, click on the Globe (
) Icon to be redirected to the device’s UI.
- Contact RabbitRun Support for the login Credentials.
- Log in to the Device WebUI
- In the WAN VLAN Configuration, click on EDIT Button of the Interface you want to setup.
- Click on SAVE.
- Under CONFIG, click the APN dropdown and type in the preferred APN in the CUSTOM field.
- Click on SAVE & APPLY to make changed and reconnect 4GLTE
Carrier Switch by Probe is an RRT feature that allows 4GLTE to automatically cycle through all carriers available and select the network with the most stable MOS.
- To activate, navigate to SDWAN > TEAM LINKS
- Under LINK2 Section’s PROBE tab, click on the ENABLE CARRIER SWITCH BY PROBE checkbox. The user can edit the CARRIER FLAP PERIOD and CARRIER MIN MOS as desired.
- Click on SAVE & APPLY
- Navigate to SDWAN > TEAM LINKS
- Under LINK2 Section’s GENERAL tab, click on LINK ACTION dropdown and select BACKUP
- At the very bottom of the page, click on SAVE & APPLY
- Under the UTILS tab, click on RESET MODEM
- In the 4GLTE LOGS section, the user should be able to see “reset_4gtle done” message indicating that the modem was successfully reset.
LAN Jump is an RRT Service that allows the user to access the UI of a device under the RRT on ports 443 and 80 given that it is enabled on the LAN device.
- To enbale, navigate to SDWAN > LAN JUMP
- Edit the DESCRIPTION for the desired name for the device to be accessed.
- Select the LAN IP of the device the user wants to jump.
- If the user wants to test which port is allowed in the LAN Device, select the DESTINATION PORT and the PROTOCOL then click on the TEST LAN DEVICE button to see if the port is allowed.
- Select the time limit for activation, check the ENABLE checkbox and click on SAVE&APPLY.
- Back at DEVICES PORTAL, a new ICON beside the WEBJUMP and TERMINAL icon should appear. This would allow the user to access the LAN Device setup for LAN JUMP.
- Clicking the new ICON should lead to the UI of the Device in the Network.
- Under the LAN VLAN CONFIGURATION Section, click the EDIT button of the interface (LAN, LAN2, LAN3) the user wants to set up.
- Edit the IPV4 ADDRESS field to the subnet preferred by the user.
- START and END set the range of the lease.
- If the user desires to DISABLE the DHCP SERVER of the LAN interface, uncheck the DHCP SERVER ENABLED box.
- START and END set the range of the lease.
- Hit SAVE and SAVE to apply the changes.
- Hit SAVE and SAVE SWITCH CONFIG buttons to save the changes made.
- Repeat the process for LAN2 and LAN3 to configure.
- Navigate to SDWAN > QoS
- Type in the URLs, IPs, Ports, Networks, etc to all CLASSES of the QoS that the user wants to prioritize traffic of.
- Note: Traffic from CLASS 1 comes first than the traffic from CLASS 2, CLASS 2 first than CLASS 3, etc.
- Support usually adds phones to CLASS 2 and other apps like POS to CLASS 3.
- Note: Traffic from CLASS 1 comes first than the traffic from CLASS 2, CLASS 2 first than CLASS 3, etc.
- Click on SAVE & APPLY to save the changes.
- Navigate to SWAN > TEAM LINKS
- Under the LINK1 section:
- LINK PATH – Select the INTERFACE the user wants to assign to LINK 1 (ex. WAN,WAN2,4G LTE,MyFi2G,MyFi5G)
- Description – used to be edited accordingly and give the user a hint of the ISP used for the LINK1 Path (ex. WAN – Spectrum)
- LINK ACTION – select whether the LINK should be a PRIMARY LINK or BACKUP LINK. The user also has an option to DISABLE the link.
- LINK TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION BY WEIGHT – edit as user desires. This assigns the traffic weight to pass on the link.
- QOS RATE LIMIT – used to limit the OUTBOUND BANDWIDTH of the Link.
- ESTIMATE UPLOAD SPEED – This action will disable Link1 QoS, do a Speedtest on the Link and give an upload speed result which can be used for the QOS RATE LIMIT.
- Under the Steering Tab, the user can add the Urls, Ports, etc. that is desired to be steered to LINK1 specifically.
- Under the probe tab:
- LINK QUALITY – This is the ‘PROFILE’ that sets the sensitivity of the Link for failover. Usually used to desensitize the probes if the site has Internet connection issues.
- FLAP CHECK – when failed over to BACKUP LINK, the device will check for LINK 1 connectivity. If LINK1 passes the check for duration set in FLAP CHECK, the device will failback to the PRIMARY LINK.
- TARGET – IP used to send probe packets.
- FALSE CHECK BW – this prevents failover false positives during high bandwidth usage. Set in K in kbits/sec or M mbits/sec (ex. 1M IN and 100K OUT).
- Click on SAVE AND APPLY at the bottom of the page to save changes made.
- General setup is the same as with LINK1.
- SAFEGUARD DATA USAGE – When enabled only allows traffic from Class 1 to Class 4 of QoS during a failover to the BACKUP LINK (most commonly set as 4GLTE but can also be set as WAN2).
- Click on SAVE AND APPLY at the bottom of the page to save changes made.
- Note: This might cause interruption as SDWAN Service will be restarted
- Note: This might cause interruption as SDWAN Service will be restarted
- In the LINK 3 Section, click on the STEERING tab.
- Add the URL, IPs, NETS, etc the user wants to steer through the Overlay.
- “Source-based steering” and “Trigger Port” steering can also be applied if desired.
- “Source-based steering” and “Trigger Port” steering can also be applied if desired.
- Navigate to SDWAN > WIFI
- Select the AP/GUEST network the user want to enable and configure
- Check the ENABLE checkbox to enable the WIFI AP/GUEST
- Fill out the details for SSID, PASSWORD and change other details as the user prefers.
- Click SAVE & APPLY to save the changes.
- WiFi Networks can also be set as SDWAN Links (refer to TEAM LINKS Section to enable WiFi as a Link).
- To enable 2G and 5G Clients, navigate to SDWAN > WIFI
- Select the WIFI CLIENT the user wants to enable and configure
- Check the ENABLE checkbox to turn on the WIFI CLIENT
- Click on the blue SCAN button to see available WiFi Networks to connect to.
- Click the JOIN NETWORK button of the WIFI Network the user wants to connect to.
- Fill out the KEY field.
- Note: The KEY field in this case is the password of the WiFi Network the user wants to join into.
- Note: The KEY field in this case is the password of the WiFi Network the user wants to join into.
- Click SAVE & APPLY
The RRT RAS can limit users’ access to the network resources by grouping assets (Asset Groups).
- To addn navigate to SDWAN > ASSET GROUPS
- Click on the DELETE button to remove default Asset Groups if desired.
- To add a Group, type in the LABEL of the desired asset group in the bottom text field and click on the ADD button.
- Under the Asset Group’s section, click on the IPs dropdown and select the LAN Devices assigned to the group (e.g., DVR IP for Cameras Group, etc.)
- Hit SAVE&APPLY to save all the changes made.
- Click on the RAS POLICY RULES Tab.
- Click on the ADD button to add another Rule (existing rule can also be edited).
- Type in the name desired for the RULE.
- Under MATCH RAS GROUP, select the User Group user wants to give access too.
- Under MATCH LAN GROUP, select the assets the user wants to be given access to.
- Select the PROTO, PORTS, and LIMIT. Select SAVE&APPLY to save the changes.
- Navigate to SDWAN > RAS.
- Under RAS SERVER TAB, click on the EDIT button.
- Add the PUBLIC STATIC IP or DMZ IP in the RAS ENDPOINT field.
- Click on SAVE to setup the Server.
- Click on the Add User/Client Tab
- Setup the username and MAC Address of the user as identification.
- The ALLOWED LAN(s) allows the user to access specific subnets.
- The ASSIGN TO GROUP assigns the user to a USER GROUP created earlier.
- Hit SAVE&APPLY to save the user.
- A QR Code and a .conf file will be created which can be scanned with a WIREGUARD Mobile Client or can be downloaded and uploaded to a WIREGUARD Client.
SIPWatch is an RRT Feature that allows the user to view and monitor the SIP Phones connected under the RabbitRun.
- To enable navigate to SDWAN > SIPWATCH
- Under the CONFIG tab, click the ENABLE SIPWATCH checkbox.
- Modify the PORT RANGE field matching the port phones utilized.
- Under the WATCHLIST tab, click on CLEARALL to clear all registrations. (FW b28-RC1)
- Alternatively, the user should also be able to see a GREEN CIRCLE button on each phone listed. Click on it to make the extension re-register. (FW b28-RC1)
- After enabling SIPWATCH, the user should be able to see phones that are registered in the WATCHLIST tab.
- Note: Users will be able to see information of all the phones connected like status, link being used (should show link3 if phone is in the overlay), etc.
- Click on the plus (+) sign to add the phone to the watchlist.
- Make sure to have an email setup for alerts in the Portal.
- Click on SAVE&APPLY
- RabbitRun makes SIP Caller ID Feature built-in and eliminates the need for 3rd Party Caller ID Equipments and Costs!
- How do we enable the SIP Caller IP Feature?
Note: SIPCID cannot be enabled without the SIPCID addon License. To avail of the SIPCID, please send a support email to requesting for the SIPCID license (exisiting device) or include the SIPCID addon upon ordering of the device (new orders). SIPCID is available for 4, 6, 10 and 20 simultaneous CID.
- Setting up SIPWATCH for Phones on P1.
Note: It is necessary that the VoIP Phones are on a different LAN. With RabbitRun, we separate the Phones on LAN1 having its own subnet.
- Once SIPCID License is applied to the device, navigate to SDWAN > SIPWATCH > CONFIG
- Click on the ENABLE SIPWATCH box.
- Change DELAY START UP to 120.
- In the INTERFACE section, select the Port towards the Phones (preferred Phones are plugged into P1 – in this case select EHTERNET PORT P1)
- Select SIP Ports in PORT RANGE (default is 5060-5061).
- Hit on SAVE & APPLY at the bottom of the page to apply the changes done.
- SIP Caller ID Setup
- Navigate to CALLERID CONFIG tab.
- Click on the ENABLE CALLER ID box.
- Under POS TYPE, select the POS APP/Company of the site.
- Select the port that goes to the POS LAN.
- Select LAN2 for the BROADCAST PORT.
- Select LAN3 as the BROADCAST PORT
- Assign P3 an IP from the Subnet of the Firewall (Ex. if Firewall subnet us 192.168.100.XXX).
- Connect P3 to the Firewall LAN after setting up the Caller ID.
- Select the POS Terminal’s listening Protocol (default is UDP)
- Select the POS Terminal’s listening Port (default 3520)
- Hit SAVE & APPLY at the bottom of the page.
- Caller ID Integration should now be enabled.
PowerWatch is an RRT feature that enables the RRT to Monitor a connected UPS via Data Port and setup Alerts for Power Outage and Low Battery Power.
- To enable, navigate to SDWAN > POWERWATCH
- Under the CONFIGS Tab, click on the ENABLE UPS check box to turn on and the ENABLE ALERT checkbox to turn on the Email alerts notification.
- Note: Please make sure that the UPS used has a DATA PORT and is connected to the RRT’s USB PORT at the back.
- Click on SAVE & APPLY to save changes.
- Email alerts will be sent to the Porta-registered email addresses when:
- Power is cut-off and Battery is in use.
- Battery power depletes.
- Email alerts will be sent to the Porta-registered email addresses when:
- MTR Utility is found in DIAGNOSTICS Page and under the Network Utilities Section.
- Select the Link you want to do an MTR from.
Type in the destination IP/URL and click on MTR.
- Speedtest Utility is found in DIAGNOSTICS Page and under the Network Utilities Section.
- Select the Link you wan to speedtest from the dropdown.
- Select the type of connection type that the interface is using.
- Select the BOTH for Download adn Upload testing, D for Download only and U for Upload only test.
- Speedtest results should show as soon as the test is done.
IFSTATS is a utility that shows the user a real-time kbps traffic of all active interfaces (WAN,WAN2,4GLTE,WG1 and LANs).
- Click on the IFSTATS button.
- A real-time traffic for the SDWAN Links and LANs will be shown.
LINKFLAPS is a RabbitRun feature that shows the history of the status (Down/Up) of each link in chronological order.
- Click on the Linkflaps button
- A table that contains the Chronological sequence of the status of the Links will be shown.
- The following are the different STATUS of the links
- DOWN (D)
- UP (U)
- Failover (F) – this indicates that the PRIMARY link went down and failed over to the BACKUP Link.
- Failback (F) – this indicates that the PRIMARY Link came back UP and the BACKUP Link transfers back the traffic.
- Faildown (F) – this indicates that the Overlay went down and passed traffic over to the underlays.
- Backup in use (B) – this indicates that the PRIMARY Link failed and that the device is currently using the BACKUP Link
LINKSTATS is a utility that shows the user a real-time statistics of the Active Links (Latency, Jitter, Loss, etc.)
- Click on the LinkStats button.
- A table containing the Links’ Statistics that updates every few seconds will be shown.
DIAGNOSTICS contains tools to help the user with the network troubleshooting such as:
- Speedtest
- Linkstats – provides real-time statistics of the active Links
- Linkflaps – shows the ‘flap’ data of all active links.
- Ifstat – displays kbps in/out traffic for all interfaces (WAN,4GLTE, Overlay as well as LANs)
- To acces the Diagnostics Page, navigate to SDWAN > DIAGNOSTICS.
- Default page shown contains information of the SDWAN and Network Interface.
- Replace or Keep Existing Firewall / Router
- All Voice and Data Apps flow through the RabbitRun’s Device – NAT Existing Firewall/LAN
- 3 x Ethernet Ports for LAN(s), Port Based LANs, VLAN Trunk Support
- Existing Firewall / Router + New Overly Ips
- All Voice and Data Apps flow through the RabbitRun’s Device
- Get Real Overlay Static IP on Existing Firewall from RabbitRun’s Cloud
- Keep Existing Firewall / Router (Parallel)
- All Voice and Data Apps flow through the RabbitRun’s Device
- Existing Firewall can Control Steering (route/policy to RabbitRun device)
- How will the RRT Device be intalled within the Network?
- Replace or Keep Existing Firewall/Router
- Existing Firewall/Router + New Overlay IPs
- Keep Existing Firewall/Router (Parallel)
- Is link1 broadband dhcp or static (Blue WAN port)? If static, please provide the following:
- Useable IP
- Gateway IP
- Subnet Mask
- Do you require vlan or port based lan setup?
- Do you have required LAN Subnet (RRT uses by default for LAN)
- Which city will the device is to be installed for selecting the appropriate Overlay vHUB?
- Any other applications require Overlay protection (eg. Phones, POS, etc)?
- IPs, Urls, Networks that these apps connect or terminate to.
- Any other details/requests.